With summer Memorial Day celebrations fast approaching, legislatures across the country have begun closing their doors, but not before several Death with Dignity bills made historic progress and reached milestones not thought possible before! 

Here’s what happened:

Senate Floor Vote

New Hampshire

In New Hampshire, HB1283 received its first-ever Senate floor vote. During the debate, the bill received incredible testimony from legislators and the public. However, despite the compelling testimony, the bill was re-referred to Interim Study with a 17-7 vote, halting the bill for the session.

We are disappointed and angry at the outcome, but still very proud of the work we were able to accomplish this year. We thank our amazing allies on the ground, including the New Hampshire Alliance for End-of-Life Options for leading the way with their fierce advocacy. HB1283 was not only the first aid-in-dying bill to be introduced in four years in New Hampshire, but it also went further than any bill has ever before. This year’s loss is tough, but we will come back stronger and make history in 2025 when the bill is re-introduced.

Session Wrap Ups


On May 20, the Minnesota legislature concluded their session. As a result, the Minnesota End-of-Life Option Act (HF1930) ended the session without moving past the House Ways and Means Committee after an unprecedented four public hearings and three committee approvals. With this momentum, we are excited to pick up the bill again next year! 


Missouri’s session concluded on May 17, and the Marilyn Teitelbaum Death with Dignity Act (HB1903) ended in the House General Laws Committee. This was the first time a Death with Dignity bill was introduced in Missouri in six years.

2024 was a year when the Death with Dignity movement hit new milestones and broke new ground across the country. As we watch the remaining active bills progress throughout the rest of the year, stay up-to-date on new developments by following us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter/X to get the latest breaking news!