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We’re Building Momentum in Minnesota.

SIGN OUR PETITION to let us know you’re ready to bring Death with Dignity to Minnesota, and we’ll share the ways you can get involved in the fight locally and nationally.

Death with Dignity laws have been proven effective at improving healthcare quality at the end of life, regardless of whether or not an individual chooses to hasten their death.



Timeline of Death with Dignity in Minnesota



Bills Do Not Advance

  • The session ends and the bills do not advance.
  • After a short public hearing on only certain insurance provisions of the bill, Minnesota’s HF1930 is rereferred as amended to the House Committee on Ways and Means.
  • HF1930 has a public hearing in the House Commerce Finance and Policy Committee on March 18.
  • HF1930 passes out of the House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee on an 8-5 vote. The bill is referred to the Commerce Finance and Policy Committee.
  • HF1930 has a public hearing in the House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee on Tuesday, March 12.
  • After the hearing on March 7 , the bill passes out of committee by an 8-6 vote in favor and is referred to the House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee.
  • HF1930 has a public hearing scheduled in the House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee on March 7.
  • HF1930 is adopted as amended by the House Health Finance and Policy Committee and re-referred to the House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee.
  • A public hearing is held for HF1930 on January 25. With a 10-5 in favor vote, the bill is referred to the House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee.



Session Ends, Bills Carry Over to 2024 Legislative Session

  • The session ends on May 22, and the bill crosses over to the next legislative session in 2024.
  • In February, a group of Minnesota lawmakers introduce the End-of-Life Option Act (SF 1813/HF 1930). Both bills have been sent to their respective Committees.



Bills Do Not Move Forward

Companion end-of-life options bills, SF1352 and HF1358, are introduced in the Senate and House and assigned to respective Senate and House health committees. Both bills fail to move forward. 



Companion Bills Fail to Advance

Companion bills HF2152 and SF2286 are again introduced and referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services Policy.



Bills Do Not Advance

The Minnesota End-of-Life Option Act of 2017 (SF1572) is introduced and referred to the Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee. A companion bill, HF1885, is similarly introduced and gets referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services Reform. 



Minnesota Joins Other States in Fighting for Death with Dignity

For the first time, Minnesota lawmakers introduce bills in both chambers, SF1880, Minnesota Compassionate Care Act; and HF2095. The bills receive a discussion-only hearing, with no legislative action taken. Carried over to the 2016 session, SF 1880 gets a hearing in the Senate Health, Human Services, and Housing Committee. The bill sponsor, Senator Eaton, withdraws the bill from consideration due to insufficient legislative support.