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New Hampshire


We’re Building Momentum in New Hampshire

SIGN OUR PETITION to let us know you’re ready to bring Death with Dignity to New Hampshire, and we’ll share the ways you can get involved in the fight locally and nationally.

Death with Dignity laws have been proven effective at improving healthcare quality at the end of life, regardless of whether or not an individual chooses to hasten their death.

Timeline of Death with Dignity in New Hampshire



HB1283 makes history by passing the House of Representatives for the first time ever on a bipartisan vote and withstanding a failed motion to reconsider filed by our opponents.

Despite overwhelming support, the bill ends its historic run with a 17-7 vote on the Senate floor and is re-referred to Interim Study.

HB1283 receives its first-ever Senate floor vote. During the debate, the bill receives incredible testimony from legislators and the public. However, despite the compelling testimony, the bill is re-referred to Interim Study with a 17-7 vote, halting the bill for the session.

  • The Senate Health and Human Services Committee votes 3-2 opposed on HB1283, and the bill is referred to an interim study. The Senate will vote on the bill on May 16.
  • On April 24, HB1283 receives a public hearing in the Senate Health and Human Services Committee.
  • A Motion to Reconsider is filed in the New Hampshire House, which fails to progress on a 210-147 vote against the motion, marking a second historic victory for Death with Dignity in New Hampshire!
  • HB1283 is voted out of the House with a Y-179 N-176 in-favor vote.
  • HB1283 passes out of the House Judiciary Committee with a 17-3 in favor vote.
  • An executive session is scheduled for HB1283 on March 6 in the House Judiciary Committee.
  • On February 21, HB1283 receives an executive hearing in the House Judiciary Committee. Amendments are introduced.
  • HB1283 receives an executive session in the House Judiciary Committee on February 15. The bill does not receive a vote and amendments will be introduced in the next meeting.
  • According to a University of New Hampshire Survey Center poll conducted in October 2023, 71% of Granite Staters support medical aid in dying.
  • On February, 7 2024 HB1283 is scheduled for a public hearing in the Judiciary Committee.
  • In January, New Hampshire lawmakers introduce the End of Life Options Act (HB1283). The bill has been sent to the House Judiciary Committee.



Bill Stalls in Committee

New Hampshire lawmakers introduce The New Hampshire Death with Dignity Act, HB1659. After a successful hearing in the House Judiciary Committee, the bill is referred to study by a vote of 10 – 8 to “pursue further legislation.”



Non-Concurrence By the House Stalls Study Bill

Legislators in the General Court of New Hampshire introduce a bill, HB291, establishing a committee to study end-of-life options. The bill is heard in the House Judiciary Committee, who pass an amended version with a vote of 12 to 8. Shortly afterward, a House vote passes the amended version, 214 to 140, handing the bill off to the Senate. Further amendments are added and passed, but the bill stalls after non-concurrence by the House. Legislative proposals to establish a committee to study end-of-life options date back to 2015.



Study Bill Voted Down

A bill to commission a study of end of life options, SB490, is introduced and does not advance following a Senate Health and Human Services Committee vote of 12 to 10 against the bill.



Study Bill Stalled in Committee

A Death with Dignity study bill, SB426, passes both Senate and the House Judiciary Committees, but does not advance beyond committee level.



Governor Vetoes Bill to Study End of Life Options

The legislature approves and Governor Hassan vetoes HB151, a bill to establish a committee to study aid in dying.



Bill Fails to Advance

HB1325, a Death with Dignity bill, is introduced but does not advance.



 HB513 Makes it to House, Voted Down

HB513, a physician assisted-dying bill, is voted down in the House, 234 to 99.



Bill Does Not Advance

HB304, a medical aid-in-dying bill, does not advance.



Attempts to Pass Death with Dignity

Three attempts to pass physician-assisted dying legislation in New Hampshire take place in the 1990’s as Oregon voters passed the nation’s first Death with Dignity law: 1999: SB44-FN, 1998: HB1433-FN, and 1995: HB339.