After 16 states introduced Death with Dignity bills in the 2022 legislative session, only the Massachusetts bill could still move forward. At the end of June, we organized a Week of Action in Massachusetts, highlighted by: 

A Virtual Rally: We kicked off the week by inviting advocates to deliver messages to lawmakers about why the law must pass this year. 131 attended, including three of our own storytellers. You can watch Liz and Bev’s story here and read Heidi’s here.

Open Letter to the Massachusetts Legislature: We’re gathering signatures for an open letter to Massachusetts lawmakers and organizing an in-person delivery with our partner, Compassion & Choices. So far, over 1,600 residents have signed.

To help advocates prepare for the next legislative sessions, we created a new resource to add to our Advocacy Toolkit: How to Talk to Legislators About Death With Dignity, and we will be hosting monthly Facebook Live chats with leaders and advocates across the country. Anyone can join our first session on July 21…more details to come!

We recently celebrated the anniversaries of two Death with Dignity laws:

We want to thank all of the advocates, legislators, patients, and volunteers for all of the hard work, time, and effort it took to pass these bills into law.

Learn more and track the latest news where you live on our State Map.