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Rhode Island


We’re Building Momentum in Rhode Island

SIGN OUR PETITION to let us know you’re ready to bring Death with Dignity to Rhode Island, and we’ll share the ways you can get involved in the fight locally and nationally.

Death with Dignity laws have been proven effective at improving healthcare quality at the end of life, regardless of whether or not an individual chooses to hasten their death.


Rhode Island

Timeline of Death with Dignity in Rhode Island



Bills Do Not Advance

  • The deadline passes for Senate and House bills to make it through public hearings, and the bills do not advance.
  • S2093 has a public hearing scheduled on March 5 in the Senate Judiciary Committee. After the hearing, the committee recommends that the measure be held for further study.
  • The House Judiciary committee recommends that H7100 be held for further study.
  • H7100 has a public hearing scheduled on February 15.
  • In January, the Rhode Island legislature introduced the Lila Manfield Sapinsley Compassionate Care Act (H7100/S2093). Both bills are referred to their respective Judiciary Committees.



A public hearing is held in the House Judiciary Committee for the Lila Manfield Sapinsley Compassionate Care Act. The bill is held for further study and does not advance.

  • In June, the session ends and the bills do not advance.
  • In March, the House Judiciary Committee holds a public hearing for HB5210. After the hearing the bill is held for further study.
  • On January 19 the Lila Manfield  Sapinsley Compassionate Care Act (H5210/S126) is introduced and referred to the House and Senate Judiciary Committee. 



Bill Does Not Move Forward

The Lila Manfield Sapinsley Compassionate Care Act (HB6600/S2112) is introduced January 6. The bill does not move forward.