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New York


We’re Building Momentum in New York.

SIGN OUR PETITION to say that it’s time to pass New York’s Medical Aid in Dying Act and expand the right to Death with Dignity to over 20 million New Yorkers.

Death with Dignity laws have been proven effective at improving healthcare quality at the end of life, regardless of whether or not an individual chooses to hasten their death. People travel from all over the world to access New York’s doctors and hospitals. New Yorkers shouldn’t have to leave the state to receive the care they need at the end of life.


New York

Timeline of Death with Dignity in New York



Bill Does Not Advance

For the ninth year, the New York Medical Aid in Dying Act failed to pass through the legislature despite monumental progress for the bill. This came at the heels of unprecedented support from Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and an endorsement from The New York State Council of Churches.

  • Amendments are made to A995 and S2445 by their respective Health Committees. These amendments reinforce that health insurance companies cannot deny coverage based on a patient’s decision to participate or not participate in MAID. The amendment also broadens the criteria for who cannot serve as a witness and extends legal immunity to healthcare providers who opt out of participating in the Death with Dignity process.
  • In January, the Medical Aid in Dying Act (A995/S2445) is re-referred to their respective health committees.
  • New polling commissioned by Death with Dignity finds that 72% of New Yorkers support medical aid in dying! Learn more here.



Session Ends, Bills Carry Over to 2024 Legislative Session

  • The session ends on June 21, and the bills cross over to the next legislative session in 2024.
  • On January 12, the Medical Aid in Dying Act (A995/S2445) is reintroduced by Assembly Committee on Health Chair, Amy Paulin, and referred to the Committee on Health.



Advocacy for Medical Aid in Dying Act

More letters to lawmakers are sent in support of the bills than ever before. Supporters and advocates send over 3600 letters to lawmakers. The Medical Aid in Dying Act (A.4321/S.6471) fails to pass.



Bill is Reintroduced

The New York Medical Aid in Dying Act (A.4321) is reintroduced in the New York State Assembly on February 1.



COVID Stalls Bill

The COVID-19 pandemic closes the legislature, and the Medical Aid in Dying Act does not move forward.



Positive Polling for Legislation

The Medical Aid In Dying Act is reintroduced in the legislature. Polling shows 67 percent support the legislation.



University Poll

A Quinnipiac University poll shows 63 percent of New York residents support medical aid in dying.



Medical Aid in Dying Act Voted Out of Health Committee

The Medical Aid in Dying Act is introduced in the legislature, passes the Health Committee, and never comes up for a vote.