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We’re building momentum in Massachusetts

In February 2023, the Massachusetts legislature introduced the End of Life Options Act (S1331/H2246). If passed, this bill would allow residents in Massachusetts to access to medical aid in dying.

SIGN OUR PETITION to let us know you’re ready to bring Death with Dignity to Massachusetts, and we’ll share the ways you can get involved in the fight locally and nationally.

Death with Dignity laws have been proven effective at improving healthcare quality at the end of life, regardless of whether or not an individual chooses to hasten their death.



Timeline of Death with Dignity in Massachusetts



Bill Reported Favorably, Advances Committees

  • S.1331 reports favorably by the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing and is referred to the Senate Ways and Means Committee. This is the furthest an aid-in-dying bill has progressed in Massachusetts.
  • S.1331 reports favorably in the Joint Committee on Public Health and is referred to the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing.



Session Ends, Bills Carry Over to 2024 Legislative Session

  • The session ends on November 15, and the bills cross over to the next legislative session in 2024.
  • On October 20, The Massachusetts End of Life Options Act (S1331/H2246) receives a public hearing in the Joint Committee on Public Health.
  • The Massachusetts End of Life Options Act (S1331/H2246) is reintroduced for the 2023 legislative session in February. The bill is referred to the Joint Committee on Public Health.



Stalled in Joint Committee

The Joint Committee on Public Health allows the July 31 extension to expire, effectively killing the bill for this legislative session.



Hearing Brings Dozens of Supporters

  • On October 1, dozens of Death with Dignity supporters speak in favor of the End of Life Options Act bills at a Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health hearing.
  • The Massachusetts End of Life Options Act (H.2381/S.1384) is reintroduced for the 2021 legislative session. The bill is sponsored by a total of 67 members of the Massachusetts Legislature (20 Senators, 47 Representatives).



Support for Death with Dignity

The Massachusetts End of Life Options Act (S.1208/H.1926) advances from the Joint Committee on Public Health on May 29, 2020, but does not pass during the 2020 legislative session, despite overwhelming public support.



Bills Sent to Study

The 2017-2018 session is the eighth time a Death with Dignity bill came up for consideration in the Massachusetts legislature. A hearing is held, and the bills are sent to study, effectively ending their chances of passage in the 2018 session.



Endorsement From the Massachusetts Medical Society

In December 2017, the Massachusetts Medical Society rescinds its opposition to “physician assisted suicide” and adopts a position of “neutral engagement” on the issue.

2013 – 2016

2013 – 2016

Four bills are Launched

In four consecutive legislative sessions, similar bills are introduced in an effort to advance Death with Dignity in Massachusetts. None of them move out of committee.



Despite Public Support, Massachusetts Ballot Initiative Fails

Death with Dignity National Center campaigned in Massachusetts for Question 2, a ballot initiative to pass a Death with Dignity law. While polls show 58 percent of Commonwealth residents support Question 2, the measure narrowly loses (51 to 49 percent) against a flood of spending by the opposition.