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Tell your legislators to give the New York Medical Aid in Dying Act a vote

In January, 2023, New York’s legislature introduced the Medical Aid in Dying Act (A995/S2445).

WRITE YOUR LEGISLATORS to say that it’s time to pass New York’s Medical Aid in Dying Act and expand the right to Death with Dignity to over 20 million New Yorkers.

Death with Dignity laws have been proven effective at improving healthcare quality at the end of life, regardless of whether or not an individual chooses to hasten their death. People travel from all over the world to access New York’s doctors and hospitals. New Yorkers shouldn’t have to leave the state to receive the care they need at the end of life.

Note: Your name will be automatically added to the bottom of your letter!

What is the Medical Aid in Dying Act?

If Death with Dignity passes in New York, a patient requesting aid-in-dying medication will have to be at least 18 years old, mentally capable of making and communicating health care decisions, and diagnosed with a terminal disease that will result in death within six months.

Medical aid in dying does not create more deaths. It gives those who are dying a medical option to end their suffering.

Timeline of the Medical Aid in Dying Act in New York



On January 12, 2023, the Medical Aid in Dying Act (A995/S2445), is introduced by Assembly Committee on Health Chair, Amy Paulin, and referred to the Committee on Health.



More letters to lawmakers are sent in support of the bills than ever before, showing great support for Death with Dignity in New York. The Medical Aid in Dying Act (A.4321/S.6471) fails to advance during a shortened session.



The New York Medical Aid in Dying Act (A4321) was reintroduced in the New York State Assembly on February 1st of this year.

Bill is in the Health Committee in the State Assembly. We must encourage legislators to move it forward for a full floor vote



The COVID-19 pandemic closes the Legislature, and the Medical Aid in Dying Act can’t move forward.



The Medical Aid In Dying Act is reintroduced in the Legislature. Polling shows 67 percent support the legislation.



A Quinnipiac University poll shows 63 percent of New York residents support medical aid in dying.



The Medical Aid in Dying Act is introduced in the Legislature, passes the Health committee, and never comes up for a vote.